Save 16% With Every MMJ Purchase
If approved, Arizona medical marijuana card holders are not subject to the recreational use tax of 16%.
We Make Getting Your MMJ Card Easy
Receive your official AZDHS MMJ card without leaving your couch! 100% online and over the phone processing.
Ability to Purchase More Medical Marijuana Per Visit
If approved for your MMJ card you can purchase two and a half times more marijuana in a single dispensary visit than recreational users.
Medical Marijuana Helps Chronic Pain
If you have chronic pain that prevents you from sleeping or carrying on with your daily routine an AZ MMJ Card is your answer.
You Must be 18+
In order to qualify for your medical marijuana card in Arizona you must have a qualifying condition and be over the age of 18.
If the patient is between the ages of 18 and 20, they are still eligible to apply for a medical card. Recreational cards are only available to those 21 and older.